Friday, June 8, 2012


At four thirty this afternoon we drove out to Monash. First stop was the Arts car park, not far from the academic gown robing area behind what used to be called the union building, but is now styled the campus centre. Suitably robed, we drove around to the science and engineering precinct for some photo opportunities outside the maths building and the Hargrave Andrew Library.

Next stop was the Nott, which to my delight still has chooks in the beer garden. We somehow missed the student precinct and found ourselves in the unreconstructed front bar. After a few Carlton draughts we were ready to hit the graduation ceremony.

But first a short detour to the Matheson library was in order. Mr 30 wanted a photo of himself with the music that had caused him so much grief during his studies - Debussy's Danseuses de Delphes. After a brief struggle with the catalogue we managed to find the score.

Mr 30 was fourth in line in the graduation ceremony, which then continued for some time. Professor Ian Chubb gave an inspiring address to end the evening, whereupon we spilled out into the cold and starry Clayton night. Back into the car, down the freeway, a quick stopover at Sofia's to pick up pizza, then back home to the fire, the footy show, the Dauphine and our loved ones.

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