Monday, January 2, 2012

On the ninth day of Christmas ...

... I relived my recent trip to Ballarat.

With the help of the Ballarat heritage walking trails booklet, I discovered more about the beautiful buildings we visited on our meanderings along Lydiard and Sturt Streets. One of the highlights was Craig's Royal Hotel.

"Craig's has been the scene of glittering social events such as the Shenandoah Ball, which saw a group of US Civil War officers from the Confederate warship Shenandoah dance in the richly decorated ballroom in 1865."

On a more contemporary note, the beautiful Ballarat Botanical Gardens has a prime ministers walk, with a bust of every prime minister from federation to Kevin Rudd. There is even a space reserved for Julia.

1 comment:

  1. We take everyone that comes to visit us to the Botanics to see the Prime Minister's walk. I love it!
